Sunday, May 8, 2011

i am 23!! already

thats was so embarass. me!! mum and adik ready je :)miss u both, love u both. :)

Time was running, but me was crawling. LIfe is an unexpected. I am totally agree. I never thought that I could be an adult one day. but it so near now. when u study medicine,u can be group as early adult. hehe, so many thing that I have been missed. A lot of things. and I dont want it pass without nothing. I could just knew, there are many thing that we can do together. With alot of laughing and enjoying every works we do. Every single thing has their meaning ok!

While i'm in first posting,in medical field. I fell a lots of sad feeling. nothing I could do unless, crying all night. I cant think anyone else except calling my mum. She was my safer and my only parents. Huhu, Thank you mum for every words and your pleasure to lend your ears to me. She is superb. she never give up. Today is mothers day. I want to take this opprtunity today to address her ' YOU are MY EVERYTHING' Thanks you very much mum. Never forget all the moments that she spend with me;)